Ana Nordberg

Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Remissyttrande: Ett nytt regelverk för hälsodataregister (SOU 2024:57)
Titti Mattsson, Petra Müllerová, Ana Nordberg, Lena Wahlberg
RemissyttrandeRemissyttrande: Den andra delrapporten Det Europeiska hälsodataområdet – sekundäranvändning och ansvarsfördelning mellan myndigheter (S 2024/00960) från utredningen med uppdrag att möjliggöra en nationell digital infrastruktur (S 2024:A)
Titti Mattsson, Petra Müllerová, Ana Nordberg, Lena Wahlberg
RemissyttrandeSweden: Legal Response to Covid-19
Titti Mattsson, Ana Nordberg, Martina Axmin, Yana Litins'ka
(2024) Oxford Constitutional Law
Artikel i uppslagsverkComment on WHO Principles for human genome access, use, and sharing : On behalf of the European Association of Health Law (EAHL) Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw
Pin Lean Lau, Ana Nordberg, Inesa Fausch, Michal Koščík
RemissyttrandePrior Art
Ana Nordberg
(2024) Elgar Encyclopedia of Intellectual Property Law
Artikel i uppslagsverkPatent Law and Food Innovation
Ana Nordberg
(2024) Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Food Law
Artikel i uppslagsverkStakeholder Feedback on the current draft of General Recommendation N° 37 on racial discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to health (GR37) on behalf of The European Association of Health Law (EAHL) Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw
Pin Lean Lau, Ana Nordberg, Mirko Đuković, Michal Koščík, Karina Palkova
RemissyttrandeRemissyttrande: Framtidens dataskydd – Vid Skatteverket, Tullverket och Kronofogden (SOU 2023:100)
Ana Nordberg, Vilhelm Persson
RemissyttrandeExceptions and limitations (27 UPCA)
Ana Nordberg
(2023) European Patent Law : The Unified Patent Court and the European Patent Convention , p.109-128
Del av eller Kapitel i bokBalancing innovation, 'ordre public' and morality in human germline editing : A call for more nuanced approaches in patent law
Duncan Matthews, Timo Minssen, Ana Nordberg
(2023) Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing : The Significance of ELSPI Perspectives , p.241-267
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIntroduction : The significance of ELSPI perspectives in governing, protecting, and regulating the future of genome editing
Santa Slokenberga, Timo Minssen, Ana Nordberg
(2023) Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing : The Significance of ELSPI Perspectives , p.1-14
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRemissyttrande: Vissa patenträttsliga frågor
Ana Nordberg, Ulf Maunsbach, Ulrika Wennersten
RemissyttrandeRemissyttrande: EU-läkemedelslagstiftning: Kommissionens förslag på förordning och direktiv om humanläkemedel
Petra Müllerová, Ana Nordberg, Titti Mattsson, Lena Wahlberg
RemissyttrandeBalancing innovation, ‘ordre public’ and morality in human germline editing : A call for more nuanced approaches in patent law
Duncan Matthews, Timo Minssen, Ana Nordberg
(2022) European Journal of Health Law, 29 p.562-588
Artikel i tidskriftGoverning, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing : The Significance of ELSPI Perspectives
Santa Slokenberga, Timo Minssen, Ana Nordberg
(2022) European Journal of Health Law, 29 p.327-340
Artikel i tidskriftCreative Machines, Orphan Inventions: AI and the concept of inventor at the EPO
Ana Nordberg
(2022) Magna Mater Marianne Levin 2022 : Festskrift till Marianne Levin , p.159-180
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSyntetisk biologi - en hållbar lösning på klimatkrisen?
Rajni Hatti-Kaul, Nelida Leiva Eriksson, Ingemar André, Magnus Carlquist, Maria Hedlund, et al.
AffischAICARE - AI and Automated systems and the Right to Health : Revisiting law accounting for the exploitation of users’ preferences and values
Ana Nordberg, Santa Slokenberga, Jennifer Viberg Johansson, Sarah de Heer
AffischGenome editing in humans : A survey of law, regulation and governance principles
Ana Nordberg
RapportGoverning, protecting, and regulating the future of genome editing : The significance of ELSI perspectives
Santa Slokenberga, Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen
(2022) European Journal of Health Law , p.1-14
Artikel i tidskriftBig Science, Big Data, Big Innovation? : ERIC Policies on IP, Data and Technology Transfer
Ana Nordberg
(2021) Big Science and the Law , p.65-106
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Role of Patents and Licensing in the Governance of Human Genome Editing: A White Paper
Duncan Matthews, Abbe Brown, Emanuela Gambini, Aisling McMahon, Timo Minssen, et al.
RapportSweden: Legal Response to Covid-19
Titti Mattsson, Ana Nordberg, Martina Axmin
(2021) The Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGeneral commentary on 'A series of scenarios developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Advisory Committee on Developing Global Standards for Governance and Oversight of Human Genome Editing to both test the utility of, and illustrate how to use, their governance framework'
Ana Nordberg
RemissyttrandeBiobank and Biomedical Research: Responsibilities of Controllers and Processors under the EU General Data Protection Regulation
Ana Nordberg
(2021) GDPR and biobanking : Individual rights, public interest and research regulation across Europe , p.61-89
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAI, Big Data, e-Health and the Right to be Forgotten
Ana Nordberg
(2020) Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren : Rettslige perspektiver , p.275-275
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTrade Secrets, Big data and Artificial Intelligence Innovation: a Legal Oxymoron?
Ana Nordberg
(2020) The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU : An Appraisal of the EU Directive , p.194-220
Del av eller Kapitel i bokImplementation of the Trade Secrets Directive into National Law: Portugal and Spain
Ana Nordberg, Bárbara Dias-Alaminos
(2020) The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU : An Appraisal of the EU Directive , p.125-150
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCOVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden : Measures, Policy approach and Legal and Ethical debates
Ana Nordberg, Titti Mattsson
(2020) BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto , p.731-739
Artikel i tidskriftRules and Tools in the Battle against Superbugs - A call for integrated strategies and enhanced international collaboration to promote antimicrobial drug development
Timo Minssen, Ana Nordberg
(2020) Infectious Diseases in the New Millennium: Legal and Ethical Challenges , p.111-136
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPatents, Morality and Biomedical Innovation in Europe : Historical overview, current debates on stem cells, gene editing and AI, and de lege ferenda reflections
Ana Nordberg
(2020) Fairness, Morality and Ordre Public in Intellectual Property , p.243-267
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRemissyttrande: Uppföljning till Underlag för inhämtning av synpunkter rörande genomförandet av artikel 17 i EU:s nya upphovsrättsdirektiv
Ana Nordberg, Aurelija Lukoseviciene
RemissyttrandeRemissyttrande: Synpunkter rörande genomförandet av artiklarna 18-23 i EU:s nya upphovsrättsdirektiv
Ana Nordberg, Aurelija Lukoseviciene
RemissyttrandeRemissyttrande: Synpunkter rörande genomförandet av artiklarna 13-16 i EU:s nya upphovsrättsdirektiv
Ana Nordberg, Aurelija Lukoseviciene, Ulrika Wennersten
RemissyttrandeRemissyttrande: Promemoria Covid-19-lag
Titti Mattsson, Vilhelm Persson, Henrik Wenander, Lena Wahlberg, Ana Nordberg, et al.
RemissyttrandeRemissyttrande: Inbjudan att lämna synpunkter på EU:s immaterialrättsmyndighets utkast i fråga om upprättande av en webbportal beträffande verk och andra alster som inte finns i handeln
Ulf Maunsbach, Ana Nordberg, Aurelija Lukoseviciene
RemissyttrandeRemissyttrande: Utkast till Lagrådsremiss Skärpta straff för de allvarligaste formerna av immaterialrättsintrång
Ulf Maunsbach, Ana Nordberg
RemissyttrandeAtt inte debattera är inte ett alternativ
Karin Broberg, Ingrid Dunér, Kristofer Hansson, Mats Hansson, Johan Jakobsson, et al.
(2019) Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm
TidningsartikelRegulating Germline Editing in Assisted Reproductive Technology : An EU Cross-disciplinary Perspective
Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen, Oliver Feeney, Inigo de Miguel Beiren, Lucia Galvani, et al.
(2019) Bioethics, 34 p.16-32
Artikel i tidskriftVi måste ta ställning till den nya gentekniken
Karin Broberg, Ingrid Dunér, Kristofer Hansson, Mats Hansson, Johan Jakobsson, et al.
(2019) Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm
TidningsartikelLarge expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search
Peter Brown, Yaoqi Zhou
(2019) Database: the journal of biological databases and curation, 2019
Artikel i tidskriftArtificial Intelligence and automated decision-making in healthcare
Ana Nordberg
(2019) , p.92-92
Konferensbidrag: abstractIntellectual Property Rights in a Digital Environment : An EU Wide Mapping of Available Legislative Enforcement Measures
Ana Nordberg, Knud Wallberg
(2019) The Object and Purpose of Intellectual Property , p.281-307
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLegal method and lnterpretation in International IP law : Pluralism or Systemic Coherence
Ana Nordberg
(2019) Is Intellectual Property Pluralism Functional? , p.96-96
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLegal method and interpretation in international IP law : Pluralism or systemic coherence
Ana Nordberg
(2019) Is Intellectual Property Pluralism Functional? , p.96-127
Del av eller Kapitel i bokStudy on Legislative Measures Related to Online IPR Infringements : A Project Commissioned by the European Union Intellectual Property Office
Thomas Riis, Thomas Elholm, Ana Nordberg, Sebastian Schwemer, Knud Wallberg
RapportCutting Edges and Weaving Threads in the Gene Editing (Я)evolution : Reconciling scientific progress with Legal, Ethical, & Social concerns
Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen, Sune Hannibal Holm, Maja Horst, Kell Mortensen, et al.
(2018) Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 5 p.35-83
Artikel i tidskriftResponse to Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ Genome editing and human reproduction: open call for evidence
Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen, Inigo de Miguel Beiren, Lucia Galvani, Kirmo Wartiovaara, et al.
ÖvrigtPatentability of human enhancement : From ethical dilemmas to legal (un)certainty
Ana Nordberg
(2018) Intellectual Property Perspectives on the Regulation of New Technologies , p.54-92
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDefining Human Enhancement : Towards a Foundational Conceptual Tool for Enhancement Law
Ana Nordberg
(2017) Journal of Law, Information & Science, 25
Artikel i tidskriftEU Design Law and 3D Printing : Finding the Right Balance in a New E-Ecosystem
Ana Nordberg, Jens Hemmingsen Schovsbo
(2017) 3D Printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation , p.275-302
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMedical methods and Patentability of Nanomedicine in Europe: small matter, large interrogations
Ana Nordberg
(2016) Intellectual Property in Action in Society : New perspectives from the North, the South and the Cloud
Del av eller Kapitel i bokA “ray of hope” for European stem cell patents or “out of the smog into the fog”?
Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen
(2016) IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 47 p.138-177
Artikel i tidskriftThe Evolution of the CJEU’s Case Law on Stem Cell Patents : Context, Outcome and Implications of Case C‑364/13 International Stem Cell Corporation
Timo Minssen, Ana Nordberg
(2015) NIR: Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd, 2015 p.493-503
Artikel i tidskriftThe Impact of Broccoli II & Tomato II on European patents in conventional breeding, GMO’s and Synthetic Biology : The grand finale of a juicy patents tale?
Timo Minssen, Ana Nordberg
(2015) Biotechnology Law Report, 34 p.81-98
Artikel i tidskriftPatentability of methods of human enhancement
Ana Nordberg
(2015) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 10 p.19-28
Artikel i tidskriftA “ray of hope” for European stem cell patents or “out of the smog into the fog”?: The CJEU decision in C-364/13 and how it compares to recent US developments.(under review)
Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen
(2015) Biotechnology Law Report
Artikel i tidskriftLegal Challenges of Synthetic Biology: Integrating interdisciplinary elements in legal thinking
Ana Nordberg
Konferensbidrag: abstractNanotechnology, Human Rights, Patent law and the Global South: a brief overview
Ana Nordberg
(2013) New Technologies and Human Rights : Challenges to Regulation , p.313-332
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEconomic Justification of Patents and Exceptions to Patentability
Ana Nordberg
(2012) NIR: Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd, 3 p.316-329
Artikel i tidskriftNanomedicine and Nanobiothecnology Patents: the patentability exception for methods for treatment and diagnosis
Ana Nordberg
Konferensbidrag: abstractNanotechnology patents in Europe and the exception from patent for methods for treatment and diagnostic methods
Ana Nordberg
(2010) NIR: Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd , p.224-238
Artikel i tidskrift