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Porträtt av Lotta Maunsbach. Foto.

Lotta Maunsbach


Porträtt av Lotta Maunsbach. Foto.

The ECHR and contractual provisions on dispute resolution


  • Lotta Maunsbach

Summary, in English

The right of access to court and the right to a fair trial are fundamental rights guaranteed in all democratic states. The basic ideas are that anyone is entitled to have a dispute heard by a court of law in a procedure that meets certain requirements, i.e., a fair trial, and that the State has a duty to make such judicial dispute-resolution procedures possible. One of the most fundamental legal provisions governing the right of access to court and the right to a fair trial is Article 6 § 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). However, one point of unclarity with respect to that Article is whether it encompasses a right for parties to a contract to make a voluntary and binding waiver of their right of access to court and their right to a fair trial (or, as those rights are often jointly referred to in ECHR contexts, their ‘right to a court’). That issue – whether the right to a court can be waived – is the subject of the present article.


  • Juridiska institutionen
  • Affärsrättsligt centrum vid Lunds Universitet, ACLU
  • Tvistlösning








  • Law


  • Mänskliga rättigheter
  • Human rights




  • Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU)
  • Dispute resolution