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Porträttbild av Jessica Almqvist. Foto.

Jessica Almqvist


Porträttbild av Jessica Almqvist. Foto.

Maximising the outcomes of Spain’s political engagement with the UN


  • Jessica Almqvist

Summary, in English

Spain’s political engagement with the UN is based upon resources, expertise and strategic interests. This paper discusses the stability and degree of commitment of Spain’s engagement, despite internal political changes and the challenges it has faced. Following the economic crisis, which led to a drop in its financial contributions, Spain’s commitment to the organisation is regaining force and intensifying as a result of its membership of the Security Council (2015-16). With its current seat on the Human Rights Council (2018-20), and given its recent work on the Security Council, Spain is particularly well placed to promote an international human rights agenda and a programme of action aimed at rebuilding collective security. This strategy renews Spain’s key priorities at the UN and reinforces its basic commitment to the pursuit of global values through the strong support of multilateral frameworks and initiatives.


  • Law


  • International law
  • Internationell rätt




  • Public International Law