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Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
A stepping stone for the right to adequate housing of undocumented migrants: Notes on Infante Díaz v Spain
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WebbpublikationHousing and Social Control: Reassessing the Protection Asymmetries of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
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(2024) Social & Legal Studies
Artikel i tidskriftJansons v Latvia: When is an 'eviction' actually an eviction?
Serde Atalay, Vladislava Stoyanova
WebbpublikationUnderstanding the Dynamics of Migrant Integration and Racial Discrimination : A Study of Three Frameworks
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Masteruppsatsİş Hukukunda Ofis İşçilerinin Psikososyal Riskler Bağlamında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği
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MasteruppsatsChildren vs. Climate Crisis and the Communication against Turkey: A Brief Analysis
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(2019) Jus Humanis Journal of International Human Rights Law , p.12-17
Artikel i tidskriftAvrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi’nin Beuze v. Belçika Büyük Daire Kararının Özet Çevirisi ve Kararın Değerlendirilmesi
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(2019) Suç ve Ceza (Crimen e Poena) , p.101-133
Artikel i tidskrift